Chub rub much:Ain't bothered here
Below is a blog post that i wrote at 10pm nursing my sore thighs spread wide apart hot, red, purple and lumpy...Been walking all day in a dress and oh boy I ended up walking like John Wayne 😂Friction really can do me bad sometimes. Today lets just bare it all. Big girl I know its a quite sensitive topic, and to some, it has affected your intimacy game. You have created walls and barriers. Your walls are high because you’re tired. Tired of giving and following your heart, only to end up disappointed and alone. You’re tired of opening up, only to be rejected once again. You’re tired of putting yourself out there, only to be rejected and/or insulted because of the jet black inner thighs.
I do not blame you for such, fellow human beings have always spewed negative things. We are a product of socialization. The brain just stores it all, especially the vile content. As for my fellow country men they are quick to be health practitioners and diagnose you with a sexually transmitted disease and my gender will be screaming about being unclean. I just look at the nasty comments and sigh, pheww pitiable Jack and Jill are perishing due to lack of knowledge right!
To be honest no one’s skin tone is 100% even. Having chub rub and the dark spots that remain after does not mean you are dirty or unclean. A great number of men also care less about this, but if you’re with someone who frequently comments on it, Girl run. This whole ‘loving yourself’ thing isn’t easy, and my inner thighs are an area that I can safely say i quickly embraced when i was younger it’s there and it’s a part of me. You may find it ‘unsightly’ or disgusting, but it’s me and I’m choosing to learn to love the parts of me that are considered flaws.
So September happens to be my favorite month. Last year around this time I was busy blogging and getting gigs, it also essentially marks the beginning of a new year in the Nguni culture, IsiNdebele traditions to be precise. A new year always brings hope, hope is all I have now. Now that we are in the month of October, it is the month of growth & blooming hence the name uMfumfu. Sorry to the resolutions I made using that other calendar am definitely cancelling them out lol. Summer time it is but so is the scorching heat of the sub Saharan Africa. Its time for those barely there outfits. Always been a fave for me I can only let your imagination run wild as you try to depict my elation. I mean who despises short skirt season on thunder thighs?
Over the years, I have tried all the hacks that I could: spray deodorant on your thighs or actually roll-on as it is said to be more effective, maybe talc to dry your legs out; sometimes they worked. However, at times I would still come home at the end of the day to my inner thighs covered in red marks and spots, unable to walk properly and then spending the next few days lathering my thighs with Vaseline to make it go away.
- Redness, rash, and inflammation
- Formation of bumps (red, pimple-like, itchy or fluid-filled) on the inner thighs
- Blisters
- Bleeding(sometimes)
All it takes is two thighs that rub together when you walk or run. This is very natural!!!! This friction damages the skin barrier. This rubbing can also cause bacteria to penetrate the skin, which can lead to folliculitis (inflammation of a hair follicle), cysts, furuncles (painful boils), or miliaria (blocked sweat glands/ducts that manifest in the form of small bumps).These bumps can cause itching, discomfort or pain. In more serious cases, chub rub can also lead to infections that will need to be examined by a dermatologist.
Not wholly applicable but you could try. I am not an expert but just a good avid researcher, reader and of course blogger.
If wearing a skirt, always wear thin shorts underneath to prevent skin-on-skin contact.
Apply a thin layer of baby powder to reduce friction of the upper thigh area to minimize chafing.
If chafing is minimal, an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream could help with the irritation
I am a part of a number of social media groups that have plus size women. I am deeply hurt by the extremes y'all are going to. ladies never use those skin bleaching items. The glory is short lived, only to come back beyond broken because of the aftermath. You are jus successfully thinning your skinning only for it to be irritated and voila the irritation and burning comes back ten fold.
An example of a skin bleaching product
Nice peace mamie