Bitter truth: Reflections

As i reach out for my PC to enter this blog post am not really sure how my entry is going to affect the next person. But then, lets bear in mind these are just personal views. We are all entitled to opinions aren`t we? When i began blogging i told myself this is going to be a platform for sharing my thoughts,feelings, views and emotions. i just come through as one fat girl with no writing background whatsoever. Am just a town planner who is just about to become an urban designer.😊 Anyway, that is a story for another day. today i just want to let out my frustrations . Why is being fat associated with being ugly?No matter how sincere or pure your intentions are. I am tired of people telling me ' oh you are not fat,you are beautiful'. Oh boy the toxic levels in this backhanded compliment, i cant breath. Of course i never said i am ugly. please try and unlearn such tendencies. fat is a noun, fat is a mere adjective. In the midst of my tiredness/bitterness i have learnt to love...